Grand viking hote, Grand Viking 3* - Кемер - Турция - Туристическая компания ICS Travel Group

Grand viking hote

I already mentioned some of the traits in my first sentence. Или заполните вопрос-заявку! В стандартное оснащение номеров входит телевизор и мини-бар, а в их отдельных ванных комнатах есть фен. Из развлечений, можно выбрать всё, что душе угодно: прогулка в тишине по лесу, настольный теннис, аренда мотобайка аренда велосипедов в соседнем отеле 2 дол. Иногда горящие туры и акции и спецпредложения - это привлечение внимания к новому направлению туроператора!

We stayed in a ground floor room with balcony. The room itself was very spacious with a double and single bed, a TV and fridge that was stocked daily with bottles of water. Air conditioning was good but only works while the patio doors are closed and the hotel key card is in the electric slot.

There was a large bathroom with toilet, a powerful shower, hairdryer and shaving point. The fixtures and fittings were a bit tired looking and could probably do with updating. But all worked well overall. The food was ok. If you are a fussy eater, you might struggle to find something to eat. Across the way from the restaurant, there is a hut where at breakfast, you can get fresh pancakes, omlettes, fried eggs.

Next door is also a hut that serve gozlemes pancakes filled with potato or cheese. There are a number of coffee machines, fruit teas and juices. On day 4 I discovered there was a tea urn that had something resembling English tea, but is very strong. The entertainment was on twice in the week. It was Turkish night on Saturday which we really did enjoy. There was also entertainment on Tuesday which we missed due to going on an excursion. The pool, you get the usual suspects that put their towels down at the crack of dawn but there appear to be plenty of sun loungers.

There is a slide although the water that runs on it, get switched off at certain times of the day, which makes it unusable. Alcoholic drinks are very limited on the all inclusive.

Soft drinks were soda water, pepsi, lemonade or fizzy orange. After 10pm there is an option to buy your drinks which I am guessing are branded, but not too sure.

The town centre is a 20 min walk away with plenty of shops, restaurants, bars. Not too sure how far the nearest beach is but there is a mini bus that takes you to both the town centre or local beach free of charge.

The hotel arrange excursions. We only did the land of legends night show which was very good. Wifi is chargeable in the rooms. If you try the WiFi around the reception area or pool, it is extremely slow. There are no room safes, you can hire one at a charge. These are located in the reception area. The staff were all very friendly and helpful. They all worked extremely hard and very long hours to keep the hotel clean and tidy at all times.

Even when they encountered rude customers, they still managed to keep a smile on their face. Overall, we had a very enjoyable holiday at the grand viking hotel.

The positives for this hotel, out weigh the negatives. The hotel is located 1. The room is spacious. Big beds and sofa, good blackout curtains.

Grand viking hote

The sheets were not changed, they were turned inside out : I dropped a cookie on the sheet and the sheet was dirty, next day was the stain on the ohter side There is also a safe in the room, for which you pay 10 euros, you get a check and a key in return. When you check out later, the money will be refunded based on the check. Wardrobe is quite small, it has two sides but nothing can be placed on the other side, bc he shelf is about 10 cm wide.

On the day of arrival, there was 1 liters of water, Sprite and Coca in the fridge. When the water runs out, a new bottle is put in. The bathroom has a bathtub. Also there is soap bars and shampoo. If you want to enjoy a bubble bath, feel free to ask the janitor for a bathtub stopper.

And as for all kinds of construction and finishing mistakes, just learn to ignore them. You are in another country with its own standards.

Grand Viking Hotel, Kemer, Turkey

Food - As the season had not yet started, the seafood restaurant was not open. But otherwise, you can be sure that you will have gained weight when you come back from vacation : For breakfast, you can either have filter coffee or Turkish tea.

However, if you want a packet of tea chamomile, apple, blend , grab a tea bag at the bar before coming to the restaurant, because hot water is available. The beach. Maximum 5 minutes walk. Also a transfer bus takes you there and brings you back. Aqvapark has two slides and a big swimming pool, half is lower and half is deeper water.

Also one childrens pool, 30cm depth.

Grand viking hote

There is a road leading to the sandy beach where there is an area of Meder hotel beach chairs. I consider it a disadvantage that you cannot close umbrellas on the beach and therefore it is not good for sunbathing. It is better to absorb vitamin D in the territory of Aqvapark.

There are changing rooms, outdoor duzz, toilet. Beach towels can be exchanged for cards at the hotel SPA reception. You can eat well in Aqvapark, there are fries, hamburgers, kebab meat, sandwiches. Drinks including water, coca, beer and wine. Wi-Fi is free downstairs a bit slow, because too many people are at the same hotspot at the same time Wi-Fi is also free in the rooms, but you have to log in with your data arter check-in you are inserted to the system and you can use your room number and name to log in There is also a faster internet option, which is not free see pictures Animation.

In the morning there was yoga, later darts, petanque. In the evenings there were acrobats, choosing the best man and woman, bingo, turkey night. Explore Guest Reviews of Hotels in Kemer. Golden Lotus Hotel. If you prefer a place for your summer holiday which is not too big, basically at the city center, with direct access to its own beach, very well maintained, clean with helpful, kind but not intrusive staff, this is the place to go. I have been travelling around the world and good hotels can be found everywhere.

So what specifically makes this hotel among the good ones?! I already mentioned some of the traits in my first sentence. Still, it is worth highlighting that this hotel is maintained daily. This means, people are fixing thing continuously. That is rare. It is very clean and the staff makes it stays clean throughout day.

Another pretty amazing thing was a smooth operation and management of hotel staff specially the one in the kitchen and dinning hall.

The moment you turn your had the table behind is cleaned and ready to be used by another guest. The waiters and supervisors are there if you need them. Otherwise they are absolutely kind and noninvasive.

Grand viking hote

The supervisors quietly monitor the process, help where needed and give orders almost without being noticed. The food was excellent if you like lots of Turkish dishes, lots of fresh vegetables, salads, fruits like we did. Every nigh, the hotel offers a special meal prepared in addition to the regular offer. It may also be decisive for you to know that English is spoken in this hotel, guest are from different countries not only Russia and music is variety of local an international pop. Elamir Resort Hotel.

This hotel feels professionalism in its business, from manager to staff. It is nice that nothing irritates, you can trust and rest. Especially I want to note the worker of the resepshen Erkan — polite, always ready to help and advise!

Grand Viking Hotel - TatilBudur

Thank you very much to him and the whole team! Natural Life Bungalows Hotel. Отдыхали в сентябре , семейное бунгало, 4 человека. Далее по порядку. Хозяин говорит по-русски, долгое время жил в россии, поэтому проблем с коммуникацией не было.

Очень отзывчивый и все время помогал. Прилетали в аэропорт, откуда нам был организован трансфер прямо до отеля. Самостоятельно добираться можно на машине, общественным транспортом, пожалуй, будет слишком долго и трудно. Долмуш местный автобус ездит только от деревни до трассы, а на трассе нужно будет ловить что-то ещё.

Хозяин встретил, провел до бунгало, рассчитывались с ним за проживание только через день, так что про вопросы оплаты сразу голова забита не была.

VIKING GARDEN HOTEL 4* KEMER. Честный отзыв об отеле.

Территория состоит из нескольких бунгало и внутреннего дворика с гамаками, шезлонгами и столиками. Тропинки между бунгало и кухней выложены мраморной плиткой и приподняты над землёй. На каждом бунгало есть веранда со столом и стульями.

Для детей установлены шалаши и мини-бассейны. У входа на территорию стоит кухня и терасса, где подают завтраки и ужины.

Grand viking hote

Завтрак включен в стоимость, ужин за отдельную плату. Чай в течение дня можно налить себе бесплатно, остальные напитки за отдельную плату. Ужин нужно заказывать до 3 часов этого же дня, время ужина любое. Ужин в основном простой, какие-то более-менее сытные блюда нужно брать за отдельную плату. Стоит попробовать, прежде чем ходить в рестораны в центре.

Бунгало стоят близко, но поставлены так, чтобы друг другу не мешать. Окна спален выходят или на зелень или на другое бунгало, во внутренний двор окон почти нет.

Grand viking hote

В каждом бунгало есть кондиционер или два. Кондиционеры чистые, работают хорошо. Постельное бельё, полотенца, туалетную бумагу и принадлежности меняют только по запросу, уборка также делается по запросу. Бунгало закрываются на ключ с брелком, который включает электричество - без ключа в бунгало электричества нет. Бунгало изнутри отделаны доской, на полу также доска. В ванной комнате на полу плитка. Душевая кабина новая, работает отлично.

Горячая вода подогревается через солнечные коллекторы, поэтому после захода солнца горячую воду надо будет подождать. Уличного душа нет. Возле входа в бунгало есть кран с водой для того, чтобы помыть ноги. На веранде растянуты веревки для просушки белья. Ночью почти ничего не сохнет - в сентябре по ночам была высокая влажность. По территории отеля бродят курицы из соседнего хозяйства, бродячие коты, ёжики и черепахи. Комаров практически нет, но есть кусучие мухи, хоть их и не много. Ночью на территории стоит мертвая тишина.

Первые звуки начинаются с восходом солнца от ближайших петухов. Иногда под окнами копается курица в сухих листьях, иногда бродит черепаха. Массаж, Кабинет врача, Спа и оздоровительный центр, Паровая баня хаммам , Сауна. Бар, Ресторан, Лобби бар, Бар у бассейна. Merkez Mahallesi Ataturk Caddesi No Расположение на карте. Похожие отели в этом регионе. Вход в личный кабинет.

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