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Капитан- явный знаток своего дела! Що сподобалося: - Расположение отеля - очень удачное, близко к центру Нунгви и, в тоже время, красивое, спокойное и уютное место, фотографии полностью соответствуют. Награда «Google Material Design ». На Занзибаре есть что посмотреть и чем заняться.
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Хорошие отзывы. Pieejamie datumi un cenas. Рассположение: Занзибар из Варшавы. Отлично 9. Malika Nungwi atrodas Nungvi. Написать отзыв. Северная Америка Канада. Южная Америка Аргентина. Города Искусств Рим. Острова Италии о.
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The facilities include a splendid swimming pool Outdoor, private beach where you can do water sports such as scuba diving where you can enjoy the marine nature. It has multiple service of relax and wellness and spa, massages and steam baths. Suites and villas are spacious and very well equipped. Some are located on the beach of Nungwi and are equipped with all kinds of luxuries and services installed at the disposal of guests.
The dining venues include different options such as international buffet, oriental cuisine and grilled meat. Ближайшие отели Al-Minar Hotel Sitting at just 50 metres from the seashore in Zanzibar City, this hotel is right in the centre of the lively tourist area.
Bluebay Beach Resort This up-scale and luxurious hotel is the best accommodation option when travelling to Zanzibar on business or leisure. Casa Del Mar. Che Che Vule Located on the sought after Matemwe beach strip and overlooking an azure blue ocean, the villa provides privacy, a vast range of activities, like diving, snorkeling, kite surfing and fishing, and luxurious guest service including private butlers. Dhow Inn This beautiful and exotic hotel is situated less than a 1-hour from Stone Town, on the south-east coast of Zanzibar, in the friendly fishing village of Paje.
Dhow Palace Hotel Originally the home of a rich local merchant, this building remained in the family of his heirs for more than three centuries before it was sold, which might explain why any visitor will feel like stepping back it time in this hotel. Я частное лицо.